Monday, June 29, 2009

Problem Gambler Help - How to Chargeback Online Casino Gambling Charges And Live Your Life!

Please Note: Use the instructions listed in this article at your own risk.

This article is only for people with an online gambling addiction or poker addiction. People who enjoy recreational gambling should know there are repercussions that will inhibit your ability to play poker or gamble online should you choose to do so in the future. Not to mention, a recreational gambler is able to stop - problem gamblers and compulsive gamblers don't.

Its no secret that I'm not a huge fan of online casinos or casinos in general. I was a problem gambler. I lost tens of thousands of dollars over the last few years to online gambling. Am I bitter about it? Sure! I'd like to see where my bank account would be today had I never started gambling or playing poker online. Sadly, that's just not the case, so hopefully, I can help prevent you making my mistake.

Before we dive in, I want to emphasize there is nothing for sale here. I just don't want you to go through the hell I've gone through for the past 7 years with online casinos, poker rooms, and online gambling. Though, if you want to throw a little cash my way, you can support the sponsors on my page by clicking the links to the right.

So, time to get to what I'm sure everyone is here for. You're a problem gambler like me. No matter how hard you try, you keep getting sucked back into the poker rooms and the online casinos. You play until your hundreds or thousands of dollars in the hole. Your brain finally comes around after the dopamine wears off and says, "Uh, yeah, that $1000 bucks you just lost, how are we gonna pay rent now?"

Online casinos have been taking advantage of compulsive gamblers in the United States for yeaarrrrs. Billions leave our economy every year. Here's how you can get a portion of it back.

You see, there was an Act signed by George W. Bush way back in 2006 called the Unlawful Internet Gambling Enforcement Act, and what this Act did was it made it ILLEGAL for financial institutions to process online gambling transactions. You see, when you swipe your credit card at a gas station, that gas station sends a merchant code signal to the bank you got your credit card through. Let's say its Wachovia.

"Hello?", says Mr. Wachovia.
"Hi! I'm Mr. Gas Station. One of your account holders wants to buy some gas, is that ok?" - says Mr. Gas Station
"Sure, go right ahead! Let our account holder get some gas", says Mr. Wachovia.
-and the card holder is able to pump some gas.

The way that the UIGEA was supposed to be enforced is like this....

"Hello?", says Mr. Wachovia.
"Hi! This is Mr. Online Casino. One of your account holders wants to play some hold em poker at my site . Can they get $1000 worth of chips?"

Now, let's look at what evil Mr. Online Casino really does.

"Hello?", says Mr. Wachovia.
"Hi, This is Mr. Online Cas....errr...uh...fluffy's pet boutique. One of your account holders wants to buy some ridiculously expensive jewelry for their dog. Can they make the purchase"
"Sure! Go Right Ahead!", Mr. Wachovia replies. *click*
"Moooohahahaha, another bank duped! Mooohahahaha!"

Ok, so my explanation was pretty juvenile - but it get's the point across, no? In order for the evil online casinos to take advantage of problem gamblers and get your money, they have to lie about what your money is for. Unfortunately, lying to big financial institutions is a big no, no because of a little thing called an "Unauthorized Transaction".

Check out your last credit card statement. That $500 in casino chips you bought with your visa credit card from probably looks something like this:

Charge Date Transaction Name Charge Amount
1/1/2009 EREVE.NET $499.90

It wouldn't look anything like what it should:

Charge Date Transaction Name Charge Amount
1/1/2009 ONLINECASINO.COM $500.00

Now, wait a second. You don't remember ever doing business with a company EREVE.NET for $499.90? So, you call your bank. "Yes, I'd like to report an unauthorized charge on my credit card! Lord Have Mercy!" "I don't know who this company is, EREVE.NET? Can you look at what merchant code they sent over when they processed this transaction, and tell me what its for?"

The bank rep will probably tell you something like, "It looks like this company is charging you for pet jewelry? Have you purchased anything from this company or know anyone who could have purchased from EREVE.NET recently?"

At this point, you say, "NO, Lord a mercy! Lord a mercy!" - because the truth is, you really haven't authorized anyone at EREVE.NET to charge your card. The company on your credit card statement is representing a completely different company than (and probably funneling the money to the casino). The bank will send you an affidavit to sign that states:
1) I have never done business with this company
2) I have no idea who this company is
3) I have no idea why they are charging my card, nor have I received any type of merchandise nor placed any order through this company.

Based on what I've been told by bank call center reps, it is 100% the truth to sign that affidavit saying those three things. The charge afterall isn't for Many times, the charge amount is different, and the merchant description is something COMPLETELY different than an online casino.

Getting back gambling losses from online casinos can be a time consuming process. It took me about 6 weeks to get my funds back, but it was a couple grand. Money the online casino should never have gotten their grubby little paws on to begin with under UIGEA.

The Consequences of Chargebacks to Online Casinos & Poker Rooms

Here's why I recommend this only for problem gamblers - like me! When a chargeback takes place against a casino's account, and that casino is forced to cover the player's losses, the casino adds that player to a universal blacklist. The blacklist is a list of players who have charged back their losses to the casino. For the problem gambler, this is a God send. We can't control our impulsive behaviors as it is, so taking our information, and passing it along to all of the other casinos is a great way to cut off access to online gambling. If I don't have access to it, gambling isn't on my mind, nor on my wants. It's also a great way for the casinos to protect themselves, and know that the majority of the gamblers on their site are recreational gamblers - those who know their limits, rather than compulsive/problem gamblers - those who don't know their limits.

So, if you like playing poker online, chargebacks are NOT for you. If you are a problem gambler, this might be your ticket to getting back some of your money.


  1. Did you ever do a chargeback to a casino that had a fax-back form on file for you? I'm wondering whether or not they will actually present that form to the credit card company?

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. I really impressed after read this because of some quality work and informative thoughts . I just wanna say thanks for the writer and wish you all the best for coming!.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. hey i had a question for you, after being very upset with bodog did some research and came across your article. i contacted my bank today and reported 5800 worth of unauthorized transactions from bodog and they are going to do an investigation to see if they can give me my money back. My bank is wachovia so I am not sure if you have heard of them crediting chargebacks or not. Anyway, is it easier to get a chargeback on a credit card vs a debit card bc i tried to contact bank of america and do the same thing for 2000 but because it was gambling related they would not investigate and told me to contact the gambling site. Also, wachovia told me if they could prove i had an affiliation with these third parties that bodog uses then they might not be able to credit my account. What are the chances do you think that they will give me my money back and how long does it take them to do it once you reported the transactions as fraudulent? I reported this today by the way so when do you think i can expect to hear from them? Thanks so much for the information on your site and I hope to hear back from you soon!

    1. hey frank did you actually get your money back let me know thanks

    2. Debit card is instant as soon as i stopped talking to the dispute team. i had my money back instantly

    3. me to I have chase bank.. I said that I made one transaction for 120.45 with a person off a website called which sells bitcoin, etc..
      I said I sent pics of my card, id, and a note.. and I thought it was him protecting himself.. and due diligence..
      than I had 4 more charges of 1000 1000 1000 1000.. lol and those were all fraudulent.. and I NEVER DID THOSE.. And this was 2 months later after those losses, which occurred within 48 hours.. I had money bank in my account within hour.. 4700 credit.. using debit card.. this was betonline, and amerias cardroom

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Frank...I read this guys blog, and posted some of my experiences in my own blog. I don't think he's been back for a while, but feel free to read my blog and post your own experiences, as I think it may help...

  6. This is a great website. I think it's perfect for people like me. I agree with some who don't agree with this practice but I think it's good in the degenerates cases like myself. Somehow I just believe I can make money doing this even though I've lost tens of thousands. My question though, I used to make large deposits, some of which were actually verified by my Bank - Chase. They would block my card and call me until I could verify the charges, but this hasnt happened in a long time. Now I don't have as much money as I used to and only make depo's of 25-40 dollars. But I depo like 700-1000 a month. It's pathetic, but do you think I can dispute all these charges? And how far back can I go?

    1. Nope not if your bank verified,

    2. What if a fraudster verified the transaction over the phone to the bank, in my place?

  7. what if the bank verify the tranaction from that flower like company before you make another purchase for online casino?

  8. They usually don't care about the actions they made indeed they are all become self centered just to do they want and play their favorite game.

  9. Full tilt took money from my bank account but it says WEB INITIATED PAYMENT AT FTilt FTPayments 2320429 041311

    Can I still try and do this?

    1. online casino
      I never play on-line casino. i need to grasp how I will play on-line casino. Please provide me some useful tips.

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  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

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  28. So I also have something to share. I gambled a lot of money on "spincasino" also known as "spinpalace" one of the well known online casinos and I gambled hundreds and even thousands of £'s when I was stoned. It was fun, relaxing and sometimes paid off. Well it paid off once or twice and then that's when I dug my own grave so to speak. I lost a good grand or 2 in about 3 hours of playing. I felt so sick for days just thinking about what else I could have spent the money on and even helped my family out a little. Anyway thankfully I contacted my bank because for some reason I had 149.33 in my available balance then after spending £20 I checked again and it said NIL meaning no money in my account. This I did not understand but the woman I was talking to from the bank started going through all the payments I made to BETWAY which is the name for spincasino and saying I made 8 deposits today when actually the last deposit I made was 2 weeks ago. I also cancelled my online casino account 2 weeks ago. So they have disputed every single penny between 2 weeks ago and now. However here is the thing. It takes a few days for banks to catch on with rapid spending so it can even look like you're still spending money even though you've already spent that money. So what I'm saying is if you lose a large amount of money online, cancel your gaming account and wait a should still have a payment or 2 leaving your account to go to your gaming account but it's already left if that makes sence. As in you'll see the money on your bank account but that's not really your available balance either. So after telling them I cancelled 2 weeks ago they have refunded my account with all those transactions I made 2 weeks ago but to them it looks like I've been making them through the the last 2 weeks. If the casino wanna say anything I'm just gunna say I spoke to someone through online chat and demanded my account to be closed. Not my problem if they didn't close it when I told them too. News flash!!! ( MONEY COULDN'T HAVE LEFT MY BANK ACCOUNT TODAY IF I CLOSED MY GAMBLING ACCOUNT AlREADY )...between you and me though. I didn't close the account 2 weeks ago, I closed it 1 week ago but that's the casinos fault not mine ;).

  29. So I also have something to share. I gambled a lot of money on "spincasino" also known as "spinpalace" one of the well known online casinos and I gambled hundreds and even thousands of £'s when I was stoned. It was fun, relaxing and sometimes paid off. Well it paid off once or twice and then that's when I dug my own grave so to speak. I lost a good grand or 2 in about 3 hours of playing. I felt so sick for days just thinking about what else I could have spent the money on and even helped my family out a little. Anyway thankfully I contacted my bank because for some reason I had 149.33 in my available balance then after spending £20 I checked again and it said NIL meaning no money in my account. This I did not understand but the woman I was talking to from the bank started going through all the payments I made to BETWAY which is the name for spincasino and saying I made 8 deposits today when actually the last deposit I made was 2 weeks ago. I also cancelled my online casino account 2 weeks ago. So they have disputed every single penny between 2 weeks ago and now. However here is the thing. It takes a few days for banks to catch on with rapid spending so it can even look like you're still spending money even though you've already spent that money. So what I'm saying is if you lose a large amount of money online, cancel your gaming account and wait a should still have a payment or 2 leaving your account to go to your gaming account but it's already left if that makes sence. As in you'll see the money on your bank account but that's not really your available balance either. So after telling them I cancelled 2 weeks ago they have refunded my account with all those transactions I made 2 weeks ago but to them it looks like I've been making them through the the last 2 weeks. If the casino wanna say anything I'm just gunna say I spoke to someone through online chat and demanded my account to be closed. Not my problem if they didn't close it when I told them too. News flash!!! ( MONEY COULDN'T HAVE LEFT MY BANK ACCOUNT TODAY IF I CLOSED MY GAMBLING ACCOUNT AlREADY )...between you and me though. I didn't close the account 2 weeks ago, I closed it 1 week ago but that's the casinos fault not mine ;).

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  31. Has anyone actually disputed the third party transactions and won the dispute and gotten their money back? What merchant is the third party working for? What goods or services do they claim to have given when their is a dispute?

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